Cronos Europa

Cronos Europa


des employés considèrent que c'est une entreprise où il fait bon travailler

Company Overview

About The Company

Cronos Europa is an IT and digital communications company uniquely dedicated to designing and delivering IT and creative solutions for the European institutions, agencies and bodies.

Our mission is to arm European institutions with the tools and technologies they need to thrive in the digital age.

Every aspect of our organization is designed to complement their capabilities - from our people to our processes and our premises.

Cronos Europa employs over 1,100 people in offices across Belgium, Luxembourg Italy, France, Portugal and the Netherlands, serving institutions across diverse framework contracts.


178 employés


Information Technology

Employee Demographics

Par âge
Par ancienneté

Company Culture at Cronos Europa

The employee experience below at Cronos Europa, compared to a typical company.

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88% of employees at Cronos Europa say it is a great place to work comparé à 57% des employés du benchmark

  • Cronos Europa
  • 88%
  • Typical Company
  • 57%

Benchmark : Pourcentage d’employés affirmant qu’il fait souvent ou presque toujours bon travailler dans leur entreprise. Étude réalisée dans 13 pays européens en 2021.

Our facilities contribute to a good working environment.
People here are treated fairly regardless of their gender.
People here are treated fairly regardless of their race.
I am able to take time off from work when I think it's necessary.
When you join the company, you are made to feel welcome.