Loxam Luxembourg, N°7 Small Best Workplaces Luxembourg 2024

 Loxam Luxembourg, N°7 Small Best Workplaces Luxembourg 2024
Loxam Luxembourg has just been labeled Best Workplaces™ Luxembourg 2024 (No. 7 - Small Companies category).
On this occasion, we caught up with them, to find out why Loxam Luxembourg is such a great company to work for.


Which HR practice is most appreciated by your employees?
In the results of the previous survey we noticed a need for more direct communication between our workers and the middle and top management within Loxam as well as the urge to grow within the organization. That were our main focus points and we are happy to see that it has been much appreciated by our teams.


Please give an example of how one of your values is put into practice every day?
Our core values are passion to serve, passion to learn and passion to innovate. From the side of HR we wanted to spread these passions by introducing HRAAS (HR as a service), invest in training and development and include the opportunity to work on ad hoc projects which need an innovative approach.

What do you do to build employee loyalty?
We do our outmost best to offer careers and not jobs. One project on this matter is our Talent Pool which is a two year program who aims to promote internal mobility. Based on the annual performance interviews and the following Talent Reviews, team members who show a potential for growth are selected and screened to participate in the program. With an approach of blended learning we prepare them for a future move. Event though concrete opportunities might not be there, we invest in our succession and talent management and offer as such not only perspectives to the participants but also a better understanding of other fonctions. By doing this we noticed that they feel more engaged and are able to collaborate in a more empathic and efficient way.

What soft skills do you most look for in your candidates?
Our main skill we go for in recruitment is definitely the service oriented mindset. Within Loxam this translates itself not only by an efficient follow-up of rental contracts but also going the 3 extra miles to find the right solution for our customers. Our main focus is not on the turnover, but on the service, since we believe that if we are able to delight our customers every single day, turnover will inevitably follow. That is a whole different setting to work in and makes it less stressful.

What do you offer to your employees to set you apart from the competition and make you more attractive to future employees
Beside our ambition to offer careers instead of jobs, we give high attention to the atmosphere. That starts with a warming and profound onboarding program where new comers are send to different branches. To get to know the Loxam Family and our philosophy. Being able to select the best practices they feel comfortable with to put into action in their permanent branch, is another advantage.
When it comes to existing co-workers we continue investing in training, communication and offcourse some fun time. Our annual Loxam Family Day for instance is much appreciated as it gathers all family members for a day of fun and social interaction.
But what is most appreciated is the short communication lines and human approach. If we can help finding a solution for a problem (professional or personal), we will not hesitate one minute.


Fast & Curious

GPT or Google chat? Chat gpt

Work from home or Presential? Presentiel
Soft skills or hard skills? Soft skills
Lunch: go out to eat or bring a dish from home? Bring a dish from home and share it with the colleagues
Linkedin or Instagram? LinkedIn
(Re)discover the Loxam Luxembourg page here.

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