REAZN, N°5 Small Best Workplaces Luxembourg 2024

 REAZN, N°5 Small Best Workplaces Luxembourg 2024
REAZN has just been labeled Best Workplaces™ Luxembourg 2024 (No. 5 - Small Companies category).
On this occasion, we caught up with the CEO: Claude Bever, to find out why REAZN is such a great company to work for.


Which HR practice is most appreciated by your employees?
Our annual team building , where the employees from our 3 locations meet for “panem et circenses”. It is an absolute must for everyone and people come from all over the world to be part of this exceptional event.


Please give an example of how one of your values is put into practice every day?
One of the most important values remains integrity. At REAZN, we are upholding honesty, truthfulness and consistency in our daily actions. We keep strong moral principles on a very high level for ourselves, but also expect the same from all our stakeholders.

What do you do to build employee loyalty?
First of all, it is important to be transparent with all of your employees: say what you do and do what you say. If you want employees to be loyal, you need to show trust and transparency to them. Furthermore it is extremely important to build a healthy and positive atmosphere among employees. For this, team-chemistry is key. Every single employee is part of it and makes his daily contribution in order to achieve this sustainable and positive atmosphere.

What soft skills do you most look for in your candidates?
Agility and creativity are in the DNA of REAZN. It is important to leave this as a legacy for the coming generations. Other important soft skills are emotional intelligence as well as decent communication-skills. Future managers must be natural leaders, inspiring the young generations to follow the sustainable approach taken by REAZN.

What do you offer to your employees to set you apart from the competition and make you more attractive to future employees
As a recycling company, we are at the forefront of sustainability. We try to implement a lot of sustainable practices inside the company and are far in advance compared to competition. This is highly appreciated by most of the candidates. Sustainability is in the DNA of REAZN. We also try to keep flexible working hours plus home office-practices going , obviously within the legal and fiscal possibilities, but also linked to the company`s needs and possibilities.


Fast & Curious

GPT or Google chat? Google

Work from home or Presential? Work from office
Soft skills or hard skills? Soft skills
Lunch: go out to eat or bring a dish from home? Going out to eat
Linkedin or Instagram? Linkedin
(Re)discover the REAZN page here.

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